Saturday streaming briefs: Four to see on TV

Saturday streaming briefs: Four to see on TV

Desperately seeking streaming suggestions? Perhaps I can assuage your desperation.

Here are four shows—three series and one movie—Jim and I recently watched (one we’re still watching) and were riveted. You might be, too.

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Saturday movie briefs: What I watched on my summer vacation

Netflix original series

Time's up!

Seems only last week that I started my summer break from movie reviews and movie briefs, but by golly, it's already after Labor Day. Time to get back in the movie groove.

I didn't go to the theater one single time this summer. I did, though, watch a few films on the big screen in my family room. A few fabulous series, too.

Here's the skinny on what I...

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Here and now: July 7, 2016

My world, here and now:

clock and book 

On my mind...

Jim and Jim and Jim. Pretty much all things Jim as he recovers from his foot injury/infection.

We are officially down one week with five more to go in the six-week process of...

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Here and now: August 20, 2015

In my world...

clock and book

On my mind...

On NBC News Tuesday night, there was a report of an unscrupulous doctor who had been egregiously knowingly misdiagnosing patients with MS. Such a horrible thing to do. I have MS. BUT, though his actions are unconscionable, that's not what most stuck with me after viewing the report. What did stick with me was a comment from one of the women incorrectly diagnosed. She stated that...

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