Beat-the-heat treats (a Friday Flashback feature)
/A few years ago, I posted a piece on chilly treats for hot days, noting how darn hot it was in the desert while visiting my grandsons (which at that time meant just Brayden and Camden as Declan was yet to be). Today it's desert-style hot at my house. In the mountains. And I'm craving something cold, something to beat the heat here at home.
I figure much of the country seems to be suffering a hot spell as well, and though I can't share an actual treat with each and every one of you as I would like, I can share the directions for doing so on your own. Preferably with grands.
Here it is: Today's Friday Flashback, featuring a few tasty ways to cool you and yours. Enjoy!
Originally published July 16, 2013 (with names updated to my grandsons' real names, as I recently revealed them here):
The temperatures in the desert during my visit to see Brayden and Camden were, as I expected, ridiculously high. Spending time in the pool or at the water park was a great way to stay cool, but because we're not fish, other ways to chill out had to be devised.
Yesterday, the last day of my visit, Megan offered a frozen treat...